A Literary Approach!!!


Literature was always the easier subject to pass and the harder to miss the point. Just depends on the shallowness and newlines of the brain to see how far you could understand. Somehow this is one point I can count on to always wrap my head round, but then I wonder what if just one time I was just as bleak. What if ANIMAL FARM was a book about animals. Like honestly couldnot Powell have nailed it better! The concept is greed for power and the Napoleon..oh great Napoleon is a pig. Biggest lesson learnt is that no all animals are equal.  But metaphor or not, pigs do eat everything..not picky animals…not even the cleverest…yet we are fond of them..the pork!! That pork! So well considering they eat everything, I term them gluttons! Easy to rhyme that with greed! Rank that together and pigs are greedy.couple it to being a metaphor and I wonder…since pig represents man..then I gues I am your average pork! (Some how In my head I have a picture of a blonde Bimboo with big boobs… The boy dream!)**=pork…! Same love! Anyway so moral of the book is though there is no equality, we should try to treat everybody good. But heck! Clover was a nice horse and he got pretty messed up.

But that was just pigs and horses.

Yet the story stays constant..with fools and butlers. Malvolio and the fool! Feste playing a role of being that man with an inside secret, the one who knows the story before it unfolds. But that I still don’t get! Why a fool is wise..why a prudent man is a fake, why I could ask questions when I already know the answer. Don’t take life too serious, yes you do only live once… But still life is a joke. I mean the idea of living for every moment only to be dead in one failed second of a heart to beat! Simple irony, simple ridicule. Just a facade, just a play. Yet the fascination stays, the obsession to live, the fascination for literature! 

It has never been equal, it can never be!

“Some are born great, some archieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them!” 


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